VCborn解散のお知らせ / End of VCborn
解散後につきましては、各種問い合わせは<[email protected]>にて受け付けております。皆さまにご迷惑をおかけしないよう、誠心誠意対応してまいります。
VCborn <[email protected]>
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you very much for your continued support.
We, VCborn, regret to inform you that due to issues in community management, we will be disbanding as of January 23. While we have continued our activities with the support of many, we have come to this unavoidable decision due to circumstances beyond our control.
Since our establishment, we have been able to carry out our activities thanks to the cooperation and warm support from many people, for which weare truly grateful. We deeply appreciate your support thus far and apologize for the sudden notice.
After the disbandment, inquiries can be directed to <[email protected]>. We will respond sincerely to ensure that we do not cause any inconvenience to everyone.
Additionally, this site ( and the official blog ( will remain open for a while. We have also archived our past activities on GitHub, so we hope you will take a look.
Once again, we would like to express our heart felt gratitude to everyone who has supported our organization and to all those who have cooperated with us.
January 22, 2025
VCborn <[email protected]>